Standard Life releases new IHT pack

Independent financial advisers offering advice to those looking to organise their wills or estates are likely to welcome a new pack from insurer and finance provider Standard Life.

The firm has announced the launch of a new estate planning pack intended for both advisers and their clients, which details a variety of opportunities for limiting the impact of inheritance tax (IHT).

Focussing on the company’s own products, the pack also provides commentary on subjects such as wills and IHT issues surrounding family homes.

Julie Hutchison, estate planning specialist with Standard Life Assurance, remarked: "Advisers work closely with clients to help them maximise their wealth and plan for their financial future but this will mean little to the next generation if estate planning is not considered, side by side, with other areas of financial advice."

Last month, Zurich unveiled its own IHT planning tool which it stated would help to mitigate the effects of a tax impacting on the finances of an increasing number of consumers.