For several years in throughout the UK first time buyers have been given a “leg up” into the property market through various subsidised loan schemes. There are different schemes in Scotland all under the banner of “LIFT” – meaning Low Cost Initiative for First Time Buyers. Considering the name of the scheme you could be […]
Caesar and Howie property team review 2017
Year ends seem to be coming round faster and faster. So how did property sales fare in 2017 round the Caesar and Howie network of offices? Well first of all although the year has not quite finished – sales in the group will be up by something over 20%. So a decent year for our […]
You need to do a little more than just sign a Living Will………
Some of you may have read recently in the press about the sad story of Brenda Grant from Nuneaton. Brenda had thought ahead carefully and prepared a living will – an advance directive in Scotland. Apparently it clearly stated that should she suffer certain extreme medical conditions she should not be given medical treatment, and […]
Caesar & Howie | We've updated our website – take a look | New Simple Procedure in the civil courts – but is it simple? | Need an Advance Directive?
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