Offers over – but by how much?

In Scotland, one of the key features of the property market is the “offers over” invitation by the selling estate agent when they bring a house to the market. Coupled with that is the requirement to submit an offer on the Closing Date – the date which the selling agent sets on which all offers […]

What happens when you die and there is no Will?

Drawing up a Will is one of those sensible things we always mean to do and never quite get round to. A bit like tidying up the loft. But not having a Will – one that sets out clearly how you want your assets to be divided up – can, and often does, cause terrible […]

When is the right time to draw up a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney is something older people draw up – is that right? This is a common misunderstanding we come across every day when discussing Powers of Attorney with our clients. You see, a Power of Attorney is such a useful legal tool that it is not something only older people should consider. None […]

Should I always accept the highest offer?

There are several buyers interested in your property. At a closing date, your solicitor is sitting on multiple offers and you have to decide which one to accept. It seems pretty straightforward that you just accept the highest offer – or does it? It’s not always the case that the highest offer is the best […]

Can you help your children get on the housing ladder?

With ever rising house prices there can be no doubt that many of “Generation Z” will struggle to get their foot on the first rung of the housing ladder. Equity Release activity neared pre pandemic levels during April – June this year and is fast becoming a popular means to provide children with a living […]

Pandemic pandemonium………… property!

When did our first “Lockdown” hit? Well it was over 200 days before I started writing this article. It seems more like 200 years actually. When lockdown hit property purchase and sale transactions stopped, pretty well overnight. Even transactions which were fully underway couldn’t get finished because the Land Register closed. And you couldn’t even […]