Discharge of Mortgage
Once you have repaid your mortgage there is some legal work necessary to remove the lender's rights over your property. The lender held these rights during the term of your loan - but now that has been paid off these rights can be "discharged".
Here is what happens. We recover your titles, check them, and prepare the "discharge" document. We send this to the lender who signs and returns it to us. We then register this deed in the Land Register - this step finally removes any of the lender's rights over the property.
Sometimes lenders hold titles. If so we recover them and either send them to you or keep them in our strongroom for you at no charge. Don't worry too much about the actual title deeds because once the discharge is registered you are the clear owner of the property in the Land Register. The lender's rights have been extinguished.
For help with this process please contact us.